【動画】Donnie Maclurcan at The Economics of Happiness Conference 2013
2013年3月15-17日にByron Bayで開催された「幸せの経済学」国際会議から、Donnie Maclurcanさんのプレゼンテーション。
Donnie Maclurcan(Australia) is a distinguished fellow with the Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems, and the author of Nanotechnology and Global Equality. He co-founded the Post Growth Institute, which explores economic paths that don’t rely on growth, and founded Project Australia, which helps people start and sustain not-for-profit initiatives.
ヘレナ・ノーバーグ=ホッジ( Helena Norberg-Hodge )さんの映画「幸せの経済学」については、こちら。